Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It is such a pretty day!

It is beautiful outside today, and James and I had a nice walk. Although he wasn't in a curious, adventuresome mood today -- instead of pointing out and watching the spiders, spills on the sidewalk, and random sticks, he decided they were all scary. Even I wasn't afraid of these little spiders. Hopefully the next walk will involve less of me coaxing/pulling him along.

We had a great trip to Texas! James did wonderfully on the car trip, and didn't even complain when he had to get back in 2 days later for another all-day trip. DVDs helped. He saw Bambi for the first (and second) time(s). Now, every time he sees a picture of a deer, he asks if it is Bambi. Mom had a new little bed for James, and we were surprised that he slept there quite well the first night, while Blake and I were at the hotel. The second night, he was back with us, because he wasn't used to the new sounds at Grandma's and she didn't have a loud air filter in the room like we do. (Which has been helpful for me, since he used to try to turn the air filter off, but now he understands that it keeps other noises out!) We went to Chuck E Cheese's (overwhelming for the adults, fun for the child), the park, and played in the sandbox she got for him. He had fun digging for treasure. I was really surprised at what a fun, relaxing trip it was, since it was so short, but now we look forward to doing it again!

I went to Mom's Night Out last week to a Japanese steakhouse. It was a lot of fun to talk, but I was disappointed in the restaurant. We had such a good one in St. Louis, and this one wasn't as good. Oh well, I guess it will save me money in the long run! And March MNO is at the Melting Pot for Ladies' Night. OOOOH!

That's pretty much the news here. It is pretty funny to think how things have changed. I watched the Oscars the other night. I had seen Tropic Thunder and Kung Fu Panda. (and 1/2 of Dark Knight, which I just finished yesterday) So, when Jack Black said that he only saw movies he was in, apparently that was me, too. I used to go see as many of the nominated films as would come to town. Now, they have to be on DVD and it still takes me a couple of weeks to get through one. But I did get to listen to Bambi when it was on in the back seat . . .

Friday, February 13, 2009

So Lately . . .

We have had colds, had fun in between colds, and are generally trying to get finished with winter. A whirlwind trip to Texas might help with that! We are going to visit my mom for about an evening and a day, since it will be a lot of driving time. We are really looking forward to the visit, but a little nervous about the drive (with a 3 1/2 year old). But, we are more than overdue to travel to her, since she makes the trip up here every few months. James is very excited and has been asking if we are going to see Grandma Janice today for about 2 weeks.

We've also went to Manhattan, KS for Cameron's birthday party. It was a fun trip. James and Landon played really well together, sometimes alone in Landon's room -- which means the adults had a little free time.

My friend, Brian, visited recently, and we all enjoyed talking with him. I stayed up way past my bedtime talking, and now realize that I am an old wimp and can't do that anymore. I was about useless the next day. The funniest moment of the visit came the next morning when we went out to breakfast at the coffee shop. It was crowded, and a fairly nice morning, so we sat on the patio. James kept complaining that the wind was blowing his muffin pieces off of his fork. Then he looked at Brian and asked if the wind blew Brian's hair away (yes, a fair amount of it is gone, not from the wind). We all got a good laugh out of that one.

We've also been going to more playgroup events, which have been fun for James, but a surprisingly large amount of work for me. He is on the move constantly, and tends to do exactly the things I have asked him not to. I notice at these events that mothers of boys tend to look a little more stressed than mothers of girls. We went to a tour of Petco the other day, and he had so much fun seeing and petting the animals. He seemed to like the fish the best, but that is when we had to leave, because he kept getting into the buckets used to disinfect the nets. He is a very, very good, sweet boy, but he has about 300 times more energy than I do right now!

I've picked out some continuing ed courses to take online, since I need a LOT of hours by the end of March. And I need to make and get out wedding invitations by mid-March. If I spent as much time on doing those things as I do thinking about doing them, much progress would be made. Next week . . .

I am quite pleased with how my Mizzou Tigers are doing this year! We just beat Kansas, which is always a cause for celebration, and should end our NCAA tourney draught. Go Tigers! (Which reminds me that I need to do those classes and invites NOW, since I need free time to watch basketball in March!)

That is the general rundown. I really do hope I get back in the habit of blogging more regularly, since I am way behind on scrapbooking, and the blog helps remind me what to journal!