Saturday, April 25, 2009

Do you know anyone named Pam?

James came out from his nap the other day, informing me that he had changed his name to Pam. When I asked him why, he said it was because he didn't know anyone named Pam, so he would be the only one. I was forced to inform him that we did know people named Pam, and perhaps he should choose again. Or keep the name Daddy and I worked so hard to come up with when he was born. He eventually went back to James. Either way, Pam or James, I like this picture of him dressed in his pirate costume, trying to look fierce.

On the wedding front, there is no need to panic. But I'm pretty sure I will at some point. It is less than a month to the wedding. It is all going just fine. Nothing is wrong. But, it just seems that so much time is being spent on wedding stuff, despite the fact that it doesn't really seem like there should be that much to do. I can say that everything that has been done is great. I love my dress, almost all RSVPs are in, and the honeymoon is booked! So, really, nothing to worry about.

Got a new doctor, who has referred me to a specialist for my arm. I go Tuesday and hope to get some quick work done. At least something good has come of this -- I love the new doctor I found. So I can face future illness and injury with confidence, hahaha.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Yeah, Blake!

Blake started his new job today! He proactively went looking for one, being unsure if his previous company was going to have work for him when his project ended. They were a little offended that he did this, but turns out that they didn't actually have more work for him. So, I think he did them a favor.

We are excited about his new company, including that they are allowing him to take vacation after a month, which lets us take our honeymoon! And, I know that I am marrying someone with a clean record. His new employer does some work for the government, so he had to complete a 50-page security clearance application. And he passed :)

Easter was great -- James had a BLAST looking for eggs. Periodically, Blake would take a couple that had already been found and re-hide them so James could do more looking. James never knew and had so much fun each time.

My arm is still a mess, but is maybe a little better. I don't like resting it. I feel lazy.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Can't Post

Supposed to be resting my arm. Apparently I cannot fully extend (or now even fully bend) my arm because I have medial and lateral epicondylitis. Better known as tennis elbow and golfer's elbow, despite the fact that I have never played tennis or golf.

So, still no working out, which became increasingly frustrating today when I got a call from the bridal shop saying my dress was in and I could begin alterations. NOOOOO! I'm not done altering my body!!!

Well, no more typing. Except to say that if you get a chance, watch the new episode of Yo Gabba Gabba. Jack Black is on it. It is pretty hilarious. Apparently he also has a preschooler who loves that show.