Monday, January 21, 2008

A Little More Organized

Here's my new organizer! I really like it, and I keep getting it a little more customized to what I need for it to do. It's more fun to look at my to-do list when it's pretty! I would definitely recommend this class, Rachel, but if you take it, bring Mod Podge and a tape runner. They gave us a glue that made the paper buckle (even on their demo).
In other happenings, I took James to Gymquarters with playgroup Friday. He was pretty tentative, at first. But, once he realized the fun that was to be had, he took off and it was hard to keep up with him. He really liked the trampoline built into the floor.

The de-cluttering is progressing. I'm back to working out. Blake is taking a nap. And James is bothering Nutmeg. We've also been playing board games lately -- Compatibility, Hoopla, and Bandu. Technically, only one of these has a board, but I don't have a better term to use.

Here are some recent layouts I've done. Still have more of the Italy ones to post, but haven't taken photos yet. This first one is page one of a 2-page LO of James playing at the Botanical Gardens with Larry and Debbie, while Blake and I went to CPR class. Larry got some great pictures, which won't show up as well as they should, since my photos are a little dark.
This one is about James crying when he saw Santa, even though he was going to ask Santa for a cookie.The journaling in this one is about taking what comes in life, because it might be better than what you planned for.
Here's one from Italy. Blake and his giant beer, while I had my tiny espresso.
And, finally, this one talks about a woman at our resort in Sorrento who commented that we always looked so in love. And, since Blake proposed soon after, it was a wonderful comment to hear.

I'm pretty sure there was more I wanted to post about, but I can't think of what it would be.


Sarah said...

Looks like you got the widget figured out. :) I have to go in and fix mine... there are actually like 3 in there - 2 are w-a-y down at the bottom of my blog. I was getting some errors when I tried it, so I tried it a couple of times. Guess that's what happened to them.

Already told you how much I love those LOs - the cookie one makes me giggle every time I see it.

Did you finish the Myth of You and Me yet? The story was interesting enough to hold my attention, but almost in the way that Maury Povich's "Are you the father" episodes keep my attention. (Maybe I need to add that to my review.) I'm thinking about passing on this month's selection, as I already have a huge pile to read.

Jenni said...

Loving that organizer!!! SO cute!

Rachel said...

I love that I need to take that class!! Yours is adorable...

Anonymous said...

Great LO's Heather, and the organiser is way cute (have I missed a class??!!). Sue

Corina said...

awesome pages!!

Latharia said...

Oh, just wonderful pages, Heather! Thanks for sharing! :D That organizer is just gorgeous ... when a person has something THAT lovely, they can't help but be inspired to de-clutter and organize!!! :D