Friday, January 11, 2008

New Dishwasher!!!

I love it! Our old dishwasher appeared to be a 1992 model with only ONE sprayer, at the bottom. So, really, only the underside of the dishes on the bottom rack got cleaned. Our new one (thanks, Mom!) has 3 sprayers, adjustable top shelf, fold-down gadgets everywhere, and lots of cleaning power! And, it also has a feature I love -- a rinse agent level indicator, so you know when it's full and when it is time to refill. There also seems to be a lock, but I haven't been able to figure it out or find info in the manual. Maybe James will figure it out. I didn't know the microwave had a lock, until he kept pressing buttons and activated it, leaving me to then figure out how to unlock it. I gave the dishwasher a good test -- a dried-up casserole dish from yesterday. Clean as a whistle. I am so happy with my new gadget.

The delivery guys were here at 8:15 and out by 9, so James and I still got to meet our playgroup at the Hippo Place. James had so much fun. But, the point of being there with playgroup is pretty much lost on him, as he just runs around, with me having to chase after him. There's not a lot of interaction with the other kids. At least for him. Several of the kids kept coming up to me to show me how many tickets they'd earned. The Hippo Place is great, and actually safe for him to run around, except that I have to keep up with him, because he'll grab people's rears, take their tokens, any toys or drinks he finds . . . and SHOES. Loves to move people's shoes (you can't wear them on the play areas). All of this chasing left me with almost no time to do what I am there for -- visit with the other moms! But, tonight, the scrapbookers of our group are getting together for a crop. I'm still trying to finish up our Italy album, so I have lots to do to keep me busy.


Mom/Janice said...

Glad to hear the dishwasher saga ended happily! And I can picture James running around the Hippo Place, having a ball! Sounds like with your crop tonight, your stressful week is ending on a good note!

Sarah said...

I SO have dishwasher envy. Ours is the same vintage as your old one. We were planning on new appliances when we started on the kitchen over the summer, but then all the dentist bills started piling up... Maybe this year. I think one of my new year's resolutions (I'm still working on them!!!) is going to be more environmentally friendly, and I'm sure newer appliances would help.

Happy Weekend! Have fun scrapping. Post 'em, for goodness sake. I'm dying to see more Italy.

Anonymous said...

Yay! So glad you got your dishwasher to work, I am so grumpy when I have to wash dishes by hand, LOL! Hope you enjoyed your crop. Sue

Rachel said...

Yeah its installed and she's a beauty!!!