Monday, November 3, 2008

Across the street

One of the first things I heard on the radio when I woke up this morning was that Joe Biden was going to be in town today. Then they said the location, which happens to be right across the street from our apartment. I took this picture from the door to our building. I know, it is not terribly exciting, but I took it from the door to our building! I thought that was pretty cool.

Larry called at 7am, offering to watch James if I wanted to go see Biden. My first thought was that it would be fun, and nice to have seen both Biden and Obama. Which led to my second thought of what a pain it was to wait . . . and wait . . . and wait to see Obama. And Hillary. And Kerry. So I said no, thank you. And changed my mind 15 minutes later, by which time Larry didn't get the message. So, when James and I were going out later, we drove by and listened to a little of the speech over the speaker system. It was after 10:30. The doors opened at 7:30, and the officer said people were in line early and it filled quickly. So, not going turned out to be a very good thing.
So, then James and I had a good time at Bass Pro. I tried to steer him in directions of live fish, waterfalls, and such, and away from things like bears pouncing on deer. His favorite part was the Kids' treehouse. It didn't look like much to me, just a hollow plastic tree with 3 stuffed birds in it that you could put on a ledge. But James and the 4-year-old girl in there LOVED it. And, we saw them setting up Santa's workshop. Santa arrives in a week. James wants to tell him that he wants candy. Last year he wanted a cookie, but I think the recent Halloween festivities have influenced him. I want for Santa to bring him a toy kitchen, to which Blake said, "Um, Heather, he's a boy." But, he thought the kitchen I chose was suitably masculine, so we shall see.
On Saturday, Larry and Debbie had a hot dog roast, which was a lot of fun (except for the anxiety of having an accident-prone 3-year-old boy around fire). Blake took this great picture of James with his great-grandmother.

And, since I am going backwards in this post, here are some pictures from Halloween. James really enjoyed being a giraffe, and was the only one of the grandsons who didn't have to be bribed by Larry to put their costume back on for a picture, since he was still happily wearing it. He got it out again today. Although he also tried to knock on the neighbor's door and say "trick or treat".

I'm not completely sure, since he told me about it later, but I think this was the lady who called Blake "mean" because he was hovering over James and telling him to be careful. Apparently she didn't see when we were across the street and he almost took a tumble down someone's very steep concrete steps.

Finally, none of these pictures show it as clearly as I would like, but we all found it pretty amusing that one of the major characteristics of the giraffe costume was a very large, very padded butt. Didn't notice that about giraffes before.


Anonymous said...

saw Brian at a Rusk conference Sat. and Meg too! Definately buy the play kitchen!!!!leslie

Sarah said...

Yeah, probably a good thing you skipped Biden. I'm afraid of what I'm going to be up against trying to vote tomorrow.

As for the kitchen thing, someone at work told me about this website, and I've added it to my google reader. They *just* posted about unisex kitchens. :)

Rachel said...

Heather...can you email me your email address so I can add you to my blog as a reader...I'm having to go private from now on...thanks!!

My email is

Anonymous said...

James looks so cute in his Giraffe outfit, looks like he had a great time! Sue

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your message on the Stories in Hand map thingie! So glad you are in class too, it looks awesome doesn't it?! Sue