Sunday, January 27, 2008

One Down . . .

and who knows how many to go. Hopefully not many! We went to a possible wedding/reception site. It was at an historic home/mansion in St. Louis. It was very beautiful, especially imagining how pretty it would be not in January, when everything was actually in bloom. And the people there were so nice and seemed really accommodating. But, unless we wanted to be out of there by 2 in the afternoon, the minimum number of guests would be 125, which is about double what we are planning. And the food wasn't very good. So, strike one. We are making more appointments with other places soon, including the Bistro, which has been our first plan all along.

Larry and Debbie came here to visit, play with James, and watch him while we went on the wedding mission. We enjoyed visiting with them. And James had a BLAST. He loves to show off what he knows, including the parts of the ABC song that he sings. Each day he adds in another letter or two. They also took him to the hippo place to play, and Red Robin for lunch.
I started that day by getting a fasting lipid and glucose level. Fasting -- as in no food, coffee or exercise until it was done. Wouldn't have been too bad (except for the coffee part), except they didn't open until 8. I got there at 8:01, only to find out that they didn't have a lab person there that day, the nurse who attempted to get the blood dug a needle around in my hand for quite a while before I talked her into giving up, then I had to drive 25 minutes further to get to the place that would have a lab person. I think I did a pretty good job of not being cranky, and then rewarded myself with a grande skinny mocha latte and reduced fat cinnamon swirl coffee cake at Starbucks on the way home. I'm not pretending these are health foods, but I looked up the nutrition info, and it doesn't kill my diet. And, I waited until after the cholesterol test!


Sarah said...

:) I just left a comment on Beth's blog recently about the impact that Starbucks can have on my outlook. Sorry you had to go through that with the blood tests - I don't know if I could have handled it. Usually, I'm ok, but I've been known to nearly pass out over blood tests and IVs - it really depends on the circumstances - how stressed I am, how long it takes, what my blood sugar and blood pressure are doing. Luckily I was already lying down at the oral surgeon's a few weeks ago. But man, I had my finger pricked for a cholesterol test at work once, and I lost it -- I started to feel faint, and then I just started crying.

Yup, Starbucks is definitely on my weight watchers plan. I don't think I could handle it if it wasn't. You mentioned picking up some of the Smart Ones - how did that go? When I lost 50lbs the first time, I was basically eating Lean Cuisine for lunch and dinner. But that was before I was married. :) If you do enough research on the web, you can find formulas for WW "points" and how many points you should be eating, etc. to lose weight. We bought 3 months of the plan, and having to enter everything so far is making me feel a bit more accountable. But we'll see.

Are you still planning to look at that place you posted about a while ago, with the great view?

Whew, that was a long one. :)

Rachel said...

Good luck picking out the place...I hope you find one you both enjoy quickly so you can put that part behind you!

So happy you got a needed that for sure!!

Anonymous said...

I think you should consider having your reception at ATHENA'S here in Columbia. It's apparently a "happening" place to be and all the basketball players hang out there. . .

. . .on second thought. . .maybe not. . .


Anonymous said...

Ouch about the needle! But at least you got a Starbucks in. Best of luck choosing your wedding venue. Sue