Thursday, November 22, 2007

I am thankful for . . .

DIERBERGS! Since the family Thanksgiving isn't being held until Saturday, we still wanted the festive food without all of the leftovers. So, I ordered a meal from the store: 1 1/2 lbs. of turkey with gravy, an extra pound of gravy, 8 rolls, and 3 sides (I chose stuffing, artichoke and spinach casserole, and sweet potatoes) for $34.99. They said it served 4. They are so wrong. Or they are serving 4 NBA players. Blake made green bean casserole, and I made pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes. We had so much food left over. It's not even all shown here. I love Thanksgiving.
Of course, I am thankful for much more than Dierberg's. That's just the least corny, mushy and sentimental thing to write about. (And it was seriously a lot of good food!)


Sarah said...

We went to my parents' in NJ for Thanksgiving, so no leftovers for us. I think we're staying home for Christmas, so I think I'm going to make a Thanksgiving dinner for Christmas - turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce.

Beth said...

Glad you had a yummy and plentiful Thanksgiving!

Thanks for your comments on my blog today about the vet - you made me laugh on a day when I've been really anxious. Thanks! (I'll check the cars in the lot when I go back to the vet to get Meg.) :)

Anonymous said...

Heather, your Thanksgiving meal looked like a feast. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your trek from St. Louis to Manhattan. By the way, your bread you baked for our Thanksgiving dinner was terrific. I hope you will start a tradition of making it each year. Thanks for making it and for letting me enjoy your blog. Larry

Rachel said...

So glad you had a nice that was a lot of food!! Great photos in the post below..that tree is breathtaking!!