Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Kansas City Thanksgiving

Last Saturday we drove to Kansas City for Thanksgiving at Blake's grandparents' house. As you can see, it was a big meal with lots of family there. I appreciate this picture of my back, because it is about the only one Larry took of me where you can't see me with a mouth full of food! It was all delicious!
While we were there, Blake's Aunt Mary Jo brought horses by. Landon, who will be 3 at the end of December was SO excited, because he really likes to ride horses. This was James' first time on a horse and he really seemed to have fun!
He also had fun running around and playing in the leaves. It was a really nice day and we enjoyed the chance to relax and visit.

Nutmeg had surgery on Monday, as she had a big growth in her mouth that was moving her teeth. The surgery went well, and they didn't have to cut into the bone like they thought. Just gums, and she lost a couple of teeth. But, she is eating fine now and is enjoying all the cheese she gets when I am sneaking medicine into her. And Joey enjoys the cheese he gets because if Nutmeg gets cheese . . . Although, Monday was a rough day for Joey. When we went to KC, we took Amos, the loaner cat, back to Danielle's family, because he kept running out the garage. So, on Saturday, Joey sees us put Amos in the car, and we come home without the cat. Then, 2 days later, I put Nutmeg in the car and come home without her. Joey seemed to be laying low and keeping his distance from me that day, until Nutmeg came home.

James is finally getting over his runny nose, but I don't like the sound of his cough. Grrr. But, we go to get his flu vaccine tomorrow. I've been feeling off and on yucky, but am good now.

James and I met with his Parents as Teachers educator yesterday. That is always nice and helpful. She was pleased with how well he's doing, and now that he's over 2 we don't have to adjust for prematurity anymore. He's where he should be, with the possible exception of the fact that he really drools a lot. The runny nose isn't helping.

Well, that's the news!


Sarah said...

Oh, one of my brothers was a champion drooler, and he turned out just fine.

And, uh, I still drool when I sleep. Or am just laying down on the couch.

Anonymous said...

I drool now when I sleep. . .when I eat. . .when I stare at the computer screen for too long. . .when I get lost in thought. . .

. . .okay, that may be too much information. . .

I'm glad Nutmeg is okay. I know how traumatic it is to have pets going through surgery. Karen (our new dog) will probably have to have hip surgery at some point when she is older.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading about Blake's birthday, the Thanksgiving trip, and James. It is always great to keep up on what you guys are doing.


Anonymous said...

Heather, glad to hear how James is doing with Parents as Teachers. You have smart dogs. It's going to be hard taking them anywhere now. Larry