Monday, January 5, 2009

This Blog Post Did Not Originally Appear In Playboy

But, apparently much of James' new book did. He received Don't Bump the Glump by Shel Silverstein for Christmas and he just loves it. Mostly because he likes to say the title over and over and over. When Blake was getting ready to read it to him the other day, he noticed in the notes at the beginning a notation the much of the content originally appeared in Playboy (in the early 60's). I found that more than a little odd.

In other James news, since I keep getting in trouble for not documenting these things better:

1. When we were all in the car one day during bad weather, we were stuck for a bit in traffic. Blake said there was an accident. And James said, "Did somebody poop in their pants?"

2. The other day, when I went to plug in my cell phone to charge it, the cord was put through the belt clip of James' toy cell phone. Apparently he needed to charge his, too.

3. Today, when we were at Costco, James saw an elderly lady and said, "Hi, little girl!" She just laughed and said that she didn't know him, but she liked him already. That was much better than when he says "Hi lady!" to a big man.

Otherwise, not much noteworthy going on. I got some new clothes and am quite pleased. We are working hard on our resolutions. James got a new Smart Cycle. We all love it! And I'm getting ready to host bunco at our place on Wednesday. At previous months' bunco gatherings the hostesses have had way too much food. So, I am attempting to continue that tradition.


Rachel said...

Love James' comments...he is just too cute!!!

Beth said...

Did somebody poop their pants? That is too funny. (And in a round about way not too far off!) And his comment to the elderly lady probably made her whole week!

Now go to Amazon and get James some books that were NOT in Playboy. Sheesh...

Sarah said...

Oh, those are just priceless little gems! :)

PS - We've got a copy of "Where the Sidewalk Ends" by Shel Silverstein and I just checked - no Playboy references. :)

Anonymous said...

So cute! Great topic for a LO too! Sue