Saturday, December 1, 2007

Toddlers Don't Really Follow Rules

James and I went to the Christmas party/activity put on by our Parents as Teachers. It was a lot of fun for James, but I will have to say EXHAUSTING for me! Fortunately, I ran into some friends from playgroup who all felt the same way. Kerry actually warned me as soon as I got there. She and Carson were on their way out. There were so many activities there, and about 5o kids under age 5 at any one time. Running. All over. One thing that struck me is how young the kids really do divide up -- the shoveling "snow" activity was full of boys, and the dress the snowman activity was all girls! We patiently waited while a couple of little girls and ther moms were taking pictures here. Then it was James' turn, and almost as soon as he sat down, a couple of other boys came in and started taking the chair. One example of toddlers not following accepted rules.
For more examples, here is James sitting ON, not next to, the coloring area. He then proceeded to take all of the crayons out of the basket, then put all the crayons in the basket. Then take all of the crayons out of the basket . . . No coloring took place. At home, we really only have 4 crayons at any one time.
He enjoyed the throwing "snowballs" activity, too, which actually kept him occupied long enough for me to get a rest.

Not pictured: James with Santa. We waited in the line. Well, I waited and he ran around while one of the Parent Educators chased him. We got to the front of the line. He saw Santa. He did not like Santa. Screams, cries, grabbing Mommy. Oh, well. Maybe at the mall . . .

After that tiring morning, it is a good time to say how much I appreciate Blake working from home most days. I am SO lucky to be able to run errands while James naps!

This weekend we are all planning to relax. We're going to make our gingerbread house and tonight is the Mizzou football game! We play for the national championship if we can beat Oklahoma today. Go, Tigers!!!


Anonymous said...

. . .yeah. . .the Mizzou game. . .it was fun for 1 half, at least. . .


Rachel said...

That's nice that they had activities like that for the kids...cute pics of James!!!

Sarah said...

Ugh... sounds stressful. Hope you were able to relax and enjoy the season (and the snow?!?) when you got home.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy does this bring back memories (imagine two the same age running off in different directions, yikes!!). Super cute piccies though! Sue