Tuesday, May 6, 2008

We've had lots of fun lately

But, I'm not talking about any of that in this post. Hopefully soon. The fun has been overshadowed by a fall James had the other day. Sunday morning, he was climbing onto our bed, which he has done successfully a hundred times, but this time he lost his footing and fell, apparently hitting his lip on the edge. His lip was cut really bad, even into the muscle, which we found out at the ER. He is all stitched up now, and doesn't seem to be in any pain, but we don't know how much of a scar he will have. We are thankful that the doctor in the Pediatric ER (who was very nice) had never repaired a lip like this AND didn't know that the policy had changed so that they weren't supposed to call in the plastic surgeon on call. So, he called the plastic surgeon, who did a great job. It was a VERY tough day for all of us, but hopefully it will turn out ok, with not much of a scar. He still is talking as well as he always does. In the meantime, while he's healing, we have to keep him fairly inactive, so he doesn't bump it. And limiting puckering, smiling, opening his mouth wide . . . so our time is spent trying to keep him from doing most of what he does in a day.

Oh, and Lori will appreciate this: an annoying person working at the hospital asked if I was Jim's mother. I was confused, and it took a few seconds before I realized she meant James. I corrected her, and I'm pretty sure gave her "a look". At least, for her sake, she didn't call him Jimmy.

Anyway, for anyone whose emails I'm not replying to lately, this is why. We are just focusing on this for now, and hopefully soon things will be a little more back to normal!

I'm looking forward to telling more about the zoo, the Melting Pot, seeing friends, and playing outside!!!


Sarah said...

Oh no! Poor thing! I'll bet it's really cramping his style, huh? At least he doesn't seem to be in much pain ... and he's not old enough to know how to milk it for all it's worth yet...

Hope that you are doing ok with it all!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Heather! It was good to read your blog. Each day we are hoping that it is better than the day before. We are thinking of James and you and Blake. We hope James had a good day today (Mommy & Daddy, too!).

Debbie & Larry

Anonymous said...

Oh no, sorry to hear about James. Hope he recovers real soon. Sue