Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gotta Catch Up Quick!

Because we have some fun going on this weekend! James' 3rd birthday is tomorrow, and his party is this evening. We are all pretty excited for it. After about 6 months of James saying he is 3 whenever asked, he finally will be. Except that he has finally learned to say that he is 2.

Look who's turning 3!

Last weekend, we went to a Green Fair down the street. It was very small, but hopefully will grow. At least we got a CFL bulb and some information about a new recycling center opening, that I am happy about. And, the highlight was the performance of EcoElvis. All of his songs were about the environment. And, if you were under the age of 5, the music was pretty fun to dance to.

See those tents behind me? That's the Green Fair. All of it. Cost us $10 to get in!

Movin' to the sounds of Eco Elvis.

Then we went to the Greek Food Festival, which we really enjoyed. There was a bounce house for James, and fun Greek music and food for all of us. We loved the food, except for the dolmas. So now we know.

As the sticker says, we were all Greek For A Day!

The week has been pretty lousy. James has had a stomach bug, and between that and the almost constant rain (and nearby tornadoes last night), we haven't done much. As a result, it was great excitement when Blake locked his keys in the car the other day, so James and I went to rescue him and then eat out. And this morning all going to the store to pick up the birthday cake and balloons. The little things have been our entertainment!


Sarah said...

Glad that you guys are getting out and enjoying the new area! Sounds like there's plenty to do. Hope that the birthday party goes well, and that the little man is feeling well enough to enjoy it!

Beth said...

Happy Birthday, James!

Mia just keeps saying, "I'm 4 today" which leads people to think it's her birthday that very day. James will catch on soon enough!

Rachel said...

Glad you guys had a good time....Happy Birthday James..they do grow up way too fast!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope James had a great birthday, 3 is such a cute age! Oh what I wouldn't give to be on a Greek island about now, glad you enjoyed the Greek day! Sue