Friday, December 12, 2008

An interesting photo, because I was tagged

So, Cara (who sent me a very fun secret santa gift!) tagged me for a photo game. I had to go to my 4th photo file and choose the 4th photo and blog about it. THIS IS NOT IT. But, it is from the same day, and I will explain. This is right after we got the new camera last spring. We started potty training with James. The 4th photo was of the him looking cute posing in his new big boy underpants, which I really don't want floating around the internet. This photo was on the same day, documenting another aspect of potty training -- the increased amount of mopping and laundry that had to be done during that period. We ended up giving up on the potty training within a week, started again in August, and now all is well. I am back to the regular amount of mopping and laundry.
So, to tag 4 more people. Sorry, participate if you would like :)
Blake, who has the same photo files as me, but maybe c0uld amend the rules a bit . . .
and Danielle, who hasn't blogged in a while :)

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