Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our love is so SHOCKING!

I thought this was pretty funny. Last night, Blake and I gave each other a little kiss in the living room. As our lips met, we got a big shock! Of course, I've also been getting shocks when I touch the baker's rack, the DVR, and various other things around here, so maybe it's not really a statement on our romance.

I'll set up the humidifier today and see if that helps.

In other news . . . happy birthday, Rod Blagojevich! What did you wish for?


carabecca said...

Guess you still have sparks...

Also, you've been photo tagged! Check out my blog if you want to play along.

Sarah said...

:) Did the humidifier work? I am a shock machine during the winter - I get it EVERYWHERE. Work, home, the grocery store...

Did you bake Rod a cake with a file in it?

Anonymous said...

Brian's Grandma and Grandpa used to call necking "sparking"... now I know why! LOL