Thursday, December 4, 2008

Know Why?

That is James' newest thing. He says it almost at the end of every statement. He used to just say it, now he follows it up with "because it's fun", or more recently, "because it's not fun" (if applicable).

We have had a lot of fun lately, with many family events over the Thanksgiving weekend. And Blake's birthday before that. And a few get-togethers the week before that. I am so horribly behind on blogging that I am not even going to try to catch up. We have really been enjoying ourselves, but now we've been sick this week. I think it's our bodies' way of trying to get us back to normal. Kind of like "if you don't slow down, I'm going to shut you down". So, there's been a whole lot of nothing going on here the last couple of days.

The good news for me about being sick is that Blake bought Tetris for me last weekend. Which means that as James naps and I don't really have energy for anything else, I can sit on the sofa and play Tetris. With slightly less guilt than if I did this at another time.

Our plans for the weekend look pretty low key, unless we decide to go see Santa. Which we should, since the lines will get longer the longer we procrastinate. And we need a tree. Which I enjoy very much.

So, I guess the moral of my blogging story lately is . . . if there are fun things happening in my life, I will likely not blog about it because I'm busy having fun. When things are boring, I blog. Go figure.


Anonymous said...

I think your lack of blogging shows how completely misplaced your priorities are.


(Fun taking priority over blogging? Who ever heard of such a thing?)

Sarah said...

Been wondering what you've been up to!

Hope that everyone is feeling better. Tetris is the ONE computer game that I still love. Greg's found a Tetris-lik game (and a super mario ... although I think it's spelled maryo on the game itself) that runs on his PC.

Beth said...

Know why? That cracks me up.

I like Tetris, but it doesn't like me. My brain is not very visual spatial and I can never fit those darn blocks in the right way. My college roommate used to play it for hours until we'd take it away from her.

Hope you're all on the mend. Low key weekends are the best!

Rachel said...

Glad you've been having some all deserve it!!

I'll catch up on your blog when I return from my trip...take care!!

Unknown said...

Having fun is good! Sorry to hear you are all sick, get it over with before Christmas, good plan. We haven't been to see Santa yet either, not sure if he is visiting Dubai malls this year, aghhhhh!!! Get better soon! Sue