Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Is this some sort of bad karma thing?

First James gets sick, and Nutmeg has to have surgery. Then I get sick. (The three of us are much better, just a little slower than usual). Now Joey (the tan dog) has been at the vet overnight, with an IV and meds, as he keeps vomiting and has become very dehydrated, with a fever. We're still waiting to hear when he can come home. And waiting to hear how much this is going to cost. And now, Blake is coming down with the cold. Arrrggh!

Good news, sort of, though: Despite the ice storm, we really weren't hit very hard this time, and never lost power. And, I really think that the ice is so beautiful, as long as services aren't disrupted and I don't have to drive anywhere!

That's all of the news for now. Keep your fingers crossed for Joey. He's almost 12 years old, and these things start getting a little more concerning.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh no -- when it rains, it pours (and freezes!), huh? Hope that Joey's doing better, and wishing everyone on your end a speedy recovery!