Thursday, April 17, 2008

What Happened to the Hippo Place?!?!?!??!

James went to the dentist today. He's a pretty easy-going kid, but every 6 months, going to the dentist is traumatic. And, at this point, they don't even do much to him, but having strangers poking around in your mouth really is a bit of a shock. So, I helped get him through it by promising we'd go to the Hippo Place afterward. Drove about 20 miles to get there, with him repeating "Go to Hippo Place" from the back seat. And it was CLOSED! Not sure why. They tend to be not very busy during the day. So, maybe they're scaling back their hours. Or, it's a family business, so maybe they're on vacation. There's no mention on the web site. I hope this is temporary. James handled it well, though, so I got him a cookie. (I know, dentist + cookie = bad mom)

I stopped procrastinating and made 2 appointments for myself next week. The icky one is the dentist. I have problems with the crown I had replaced last fall, as well as some pain near an old filling. If it turns out that any of my problems are the fault of this dentist, I'm having him fix them (he's actually good about this, as Blake has found on several occasions) and then we're switching dentists. They are nice, the office is beautiful and has chairs with back massagers, but we always leave there feeling as if the work done wasn't very good.

The other appointment is more fun. I haven't had a haircut since last July, before we went to Italy. So, my hair looks rather frizzy. But, I've finally found a picture of a hairstyle I want. By Monday evening, I should look like a strawberry blond Reese Witherspoon. Or, at least that's what I can tell myself until the results are in!


Rachel said...

Should we start calling you Reese?? Have fun getting your hair deserve to be pampered!!

Sarah said...

Yeah, every time I get my hair cut, I think, "I should do this more often." :) I'll be waiting for a photo.