Sunday, April 6, 2008

Too busy to blog

But things have been good! After giving James some time to show interest in the potty on his own -- I know, I know, everyone has been so excited for another potty training update, but this is my world -- he didn't show any. But, when I tried to put him back in diapers, he wanted no part of that, so he agreed to the potty and things are generally going well. And that is all the details I will give. Other than it is a lot of work and time consuming. Who knew?

I can't remember most of what happened since I last blogged, so here are some highlights that I do remember.

On Friday, I went to CKC (scrapbook convention) across the river in Illinois. It was so much fun! I will definitely plan to take more classes next time AND save more money for the vendor area. I don't love ALL the things we made in the classes, but they are good enough, and there are so many extra products that I can use as I wish. And there were quite a few that I really did like, including one with a dinosaur theme.

Yesterday, we went shopping, making plans for how we'd eventually like to furnish the house, and also checked out Costco, since we may switch from Sam's. It seemed pretty similar in what they had, as well as prices, although maybe a little higher, but with more quality items. And, since it was Saturday, there were food samples. We'd never seen this many samples in one day. We didn't have to feed James lunch after going there! I think I probably will switch in a month or two, mostly because it is closer and has better parking, which will probably take about 20 minutes off of my trip. And, thanks to Sarah for all the great info on comparing the two!

Today, I went to the trail at the park for about 45 minutes. Now, I am exhausted. Which is why I am finally updating the blog -- I'm too tired to do anything else. It was a great workout and a beautiful day. And now I prepare to rest!


Rachel said...

I'm so glad that things are going well for James and potty training!! That's something that's different for every child...

Glad to hear you enjoyed the convention..yeah I never end up bringing/having enough money to shop like I want to!!haha

Sarah said...

I'm trying to decide whether to go to the CKC convention in Valley Forge (long drive, more time off, but would get to see other people) vs going to the one in Charlotte (much closer). I resolved last year to only spend the cash I had on hand at the vendor fair, and it was a good thing! I think that will be my plan again next year. And I know what you mean about the classes - I've got stuff still that I finally decided I didn't like enough to bother with. I think this year I'll look at classes based on what products they use, because I think that would make me happier. I'm guessing the dinosaur one was the new BG? I can't wait to see that! I bought a couple of sheets of that (the ones without dinosaurs :) ) that I'm still working on an idea for.

Anonymous said...

Ooh how fun you went to a CKC; don't suppose I would ever get past the shopping part, ha. Sue