Monday, June 9, 2008


On 6/7/8, I turned 39. Which Blake told me that morning was "the new 23". That afternoon, he said it was "the new 25". So, by today, it must be the new 80. I don't like birthdays that end in 9s. I think they may be worse than the ones that end in 0. But, I am using this as motivation to get my act together before I turn 40. Of course, I'm not rushing things, since Blake got me a carrot cake for my birthday, which meant that I ate about 2/3 of a carrot cake this weekend.

It was a good day, though. We went to Chevy's for lunch, then decided to go to Balducci winery in Augusta. We stopped by Walgreens and Blake went to get the stuff we'd need for the trip. While he was inside, James and I waited in the car. At one point, I turned around and James had blood all over his mouth and chin. My first thought was that he opened his scar. My second thought was that Blake was going to kill me. Then I realized that it was a new, much smaller cut. Apparently, he bit his lip. You may notice in this picture that he also has a scrape on his forehead. Blake said that he did that falling into the wall while I was scrapbooking at a friend's house Friday night. So, we childproof everything, and yet he manages to injure himself on a wall and strapped into a car seat. How do any of us ever survive childhood?

James with a bloody lip in the dangerous car seat.

We made it to the winery and it was a beautiful day. Blake had bought some toys to play with and for James to chase, and the winery gave me a piece of cheesecake for my birthday. Yum! We really enjoyed the afternoon. We sat at a table in the shade, pretty much away from most everyone else. There was a band playing, and they were pretty good. Oh, and as the pictures show, one of the other things Blake bought at Walgreens was a pair of sunglasses for me, since I forgot mine. Looking around at the winery, I think I would have won the award for largest sunglasses. Sadly, they broke on the way home. Blake thinks I did it on purpose, but I really didn't.

Me and cake

Blake making a goofy face in a picture with me

James making a goofy face in a picture with me -- will nobody give me a break and take a nice picture with me on my birthday?

On the way home, Blake went into the grocery store (to get my cake, I later found out!). While James and I waited in the car again, a guy who was on his way into the store tried to hit on me. He tried again on his way out. Since I was feeling old, THAT really helped! I may be 39, but I guess I've still got it -- hee hee. (I should point out that I gave him NO encouragement . . . )


Sarah said...

Happy happy happy belated birthday! So glad you had a good day! Those sunglasses are fabulous, with a "ph." :) Love all your pictures, too. The new camera is working out? And, if it's any consolation, you don't look a day over 29. :)

Rachel said...

39 is not me I'm right behind you!!!

Carrot cake is good for you..I believe it qualifies as a veggie (somehow!!)haha Glad you enjoyed your so deserve it!!!

Anonymous said...

That whole story is hilarious! You can take great solace in knowing you do not look a day older than me... oh wait.... LOL


Beth said...

OK, so a very belated happy birthday. You don't look 29 let alone 39, Heather! And James is getting so big - looks more like a little man than a baby!