Wednesday, June 18, 2008

This reminds me of learning to drive

My lip hurts. And it is because apparently I can follow directions, only up to a point. When I was learning to drive, Mom was taking me out to deserted country roads. One day, early on, she said I could go ahead and drive home. I asked if I was ready to drive into town. She said it wasn't too far, just don't hit the garage door. I didn't. I hit the back of her car. Fortunately not hard, and there wasn't any damage.

So, why do I think of this now? I had more work done at the dentist Monday. As I left, I asked if there were any restrictions. No, just be careful not to bite my cheek, since it was numb. I didn't. A couple of hours later, I was carefully eating a piece of pizza, and all was well. Some of the numbness was even going away. A little later, I get a second piece. And a couple of bites in, my tongue notices that my lip feels funny. My very numb, and now bleeding lip. Yep, once again, I manage to avoid doing what I am warned against, yet manage to do something equally stupid. No major damage, just a sore, swollen lip. And a reminder to not be so literal.

I really don't know why I even mention this. It's just more interesting than the rest of my day, much of which was spent bubble wrapping household items.


Sarah said...

Yeah, I thought I was all smart (or maybe just hungry?) once and ate an an apple after a filling ... and ended up with a bloody lip. I'd like to say I've learned my lesson...

I also remember trying to drink something after having my wisdom teeth out, and it just ended up all down the front of me!

Hope the moving stuff is going well!

Rachel said...

I can't stand going to the dentist either!! Take care and drink plenty of liquids and good luck moving...I also hate moving!!!