Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hi, Caterpillar! Are you pooping?

Larry and Debbie brought back from vacation a caterpillar that James can grow into a butterfly. I am trying to follow the instructions carefully, feeling a great responsibility for keeping this thing alive. It is pretty cool to watch. The transformation from caterpillar to forming the chrysalis was quick. But, there was time for James to see it move around, see what it got to eat, and the poop, which is technically called frass. James seemed most interested in the poop. So did Blake, for that matter. The caterpillar is now in a box and we are awaiting the emergence of a painted lady butterfly, which should occur in about a week. Keep your fingers crossed!

Last night, I went to McGurk's for Mom's Night Out. McGurk's has a great patio, and it is always fun to sit out there. Our server seemed like she could care less about us, and I think once she saw that our group would be large enough for the gratuity to be automatically added, she stopped any pretense of trying. Too bad, because this rather loud group of women generally tips well. I won't be there much more, but next time, remind me to get the small salad instead of regular size. I got regular, Shannon got small, hers was much cheaper, and they looked almost identical. Also remind me that they charge way too much for beer. But, they have a nice patio.
I will miss these MNOs, but have looked online and found a playgroup in our new community. I just hope the people are as fun. From the very first time I went to something with this group, I was impressed that the others in it were similar in age and interests to me. There is even a smaller group of us that get together for a monthly scrapbook night. Which is coming up this Friday!
Finally, it has been a month since James cut his lip, which means that he can now be a little boy again and run and jump and play. To celebrate, we are going to the Hippo Place tonight. We haven't told him yet, because then he wouldn't stop talking about it. (Actually, last night was one month, but I selfishly went to MNO, since James doesn't understand calendars yet.)


Sarah said...

Have fun at the Hippo Place! :) Glad it sounds like the lip has healed sufficiently.

Anonymous said...

James is sure going to be excited to go to the Hippo Place. He deserves it after sure a long time! He looks pretty intense with his insect. (Wasn't sure of the correct term.) Hope you haven't had bad weather. Larry

Anonymous said...

What a cute photo! Oh how fun, hope to see some butterfly photos! I bet James had a great time at the Hippo Place, glad to hear that his lip is better. Sue