Thursday, July 31, 2008

Long Time, No Update

Here is a long overdue, but abbreviated account of what has been going on here. Blake finished work last Friday and has been here ever since. We are now all reunited for good. And, if that wasn't enough good news -- our house is under contract and closing date is Monday! So, if all continues to go well, we don't have to worry about the house or keep making trips back to St. Louis.

Blake is in between his jobs this week, so we've been doing more to get the new place set up. Buying furniture, decor, etc. Lots of this we were just getting around to at the old place, so we want to start out right here and be comfortable. Blake is now VERY comfortable, since he bought a La-Z-Boy and a new TV. The TV is pretty impressive -- he researched for a long time to find it. A month ago, we had staticky ABC only on the 19" TV in the kitchen. Now, we have a 52" HDTV, more cable channels than I can count, and a PS3 with Blu-Ray. Last night, Larry and Debbie had James overnight, and we didn't even leave the house. We started watching Mad Men. And Bridezillas (they have GOT to be acting, right?). Blake keeps saying, "look at that HD, baby!" He's very happy.

While he is between jobs, insurance is a problem. His old employer, who I like less and less as time goes by, cut off insurance on his last day of work (I guess to save a few bucks on that last week of coverage). I've never experienced this -- everywhere I'd worked continued it to the end of the month. When he gave them 2 MONTHS notice that he was leaving, they wouldn't file the paperwork that would keep the insurance coverage, in case he changed his mind about leaving. And, when they finally did, it was too late -- they have to have the papers sent to our new address, we fill it out, send it back, and after a couple of days, coverage would kick in. We still haven't received the paperwork. We are thinking of sending a letter to the company about how lousy he was treated on this, which I'm sure will do no good at all. Fortunately, his new employer was understanding and moved his coverage date up a few days, so it will start tomorrow. So, of course, today James is limping. We've been trying to be so careful, but he did hurt himself yesterday. Nothing is swollen, and he doesn't seem to be in pain, but we're keeping an eye on it. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Blake's new job also got him some really good new equipment and software and they really seem to go out of their way to make things good. So, I am happy he seems to have found someone to treat him better.

We are really enjoying everything we've done here, as well as our apartment. Once we get the pictures on the walls, I will post pics.


Beth said...

Yay, family togetherness! Hope James is ok.

We always watch Bridezillas on vacation and are amazed at the shenanigans that people will engage in for a wedding! Good grief!

Happy homemaking!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that the family is all together!! That's what is the most important....

Glad to hear that Blake got himself a good employer and I hope James is doing better!!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear that you are all back together and enjoying your new home. Hope James is feeling better soon, and the insurance situation gets resolved ASAP. Sue