Tuesday, October 7, 2008

There are more important things to talk about

But they will have to wait. I'm a little behind on things here. I spent most of yesterday looking for my keys. I knew at 6:30 am, when I wanted something out of my car, that they were missing. I looked everywhere, with the exception of digging through the trash. Blake said he'd help me look when he got home, so I thought we could do that task together.

Blake is always losing his keys, the card to the fitness center, etc. But, I do a pretty good job of putting mine in their spot. Or at least really close.

So, it was a long day, with me getting more and more annoyed and worried about where they might be.

I asked Blake if they might be in his car. He said no, and acted like he looked. During dinner, he remembered using them to go get his wallet out of my car Sunday. So, about 12 hours after noticing them missing, and going through every drawer and freezer here, he found them. In his car. He owes me! (But at least I continue with my record of not being the one to lose these things.)


Rachel said...

Oh my gosh that is Kevin...he did that with my keys one time and he had them in his coat pocket and blamed me the entire time for losing my keys and he found them the next day and that's when he remembered he used mine to open the garage door after he started his car...grrr was I mad!!!

Beth said...

Did he say he was sorry? I hate losing stuff and I'd be even more annoyed if I really hadn't lost them!

Sarah said...

Hahaha! Reading that, I was afraid that James had taken them. :) My dad got us the cutest key holder, and so far we're really good about keeping them on there. It looks like the back end of 5 pigs, and you hang your keys on the curly tails...


It looks like they have a cat one and a dog one, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry that I lost your keys :( Blake