Saturday, September 22, 2007

It's the Weekend!

On Friday, James and I had fun with our Playgroup at the Hippo Place. He gets excited and says Hippo over and over. He's still a little unsure about the climbing there, getting halfway across and then coming back down. And, he's also afraid of the hippo (takes after me, maybe, since I'm not a big fan of people in animal costumes or clowns). But he loves running around, seeing different things and other kids. And I really enjoyed the opportunity to talk with the other moms. The playgroup is really a fun thing for both of us. (These pictures are from earlier visits to the Hippo place, which is why Blake is there and not a bunch of other kids and moms. On this visit, I was too busy talking to take pictures.)

I've done some more yard work, and this afternoon Blake is going to join me. Should make the job go much quicker. Since neither one of us likes yard work, we will at least be out there not enjoying it together!

This morning was fun. After breakfast, James was asking for "dope". But, it's not time for the drug talk yet -- that's what he calls Play-doh. So we all got some out to play. Blake made fun of me, because I was trying to keep the colors separate. Putting them together was more fun, though. I made a snail, and then Blake made a ball and dropped it on my snail.

Well, that's the excitement here: play area, yard work, and play-doh! 'Til next time . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to leave comments, but I don't know if they post or not. It was fun to read about the Hippo and the play dough. I can't wait to see you guys at the end of October.
