Thursday, September 6, 2007

An Urgent Start to the Day

Last night, Blake and James had fun playing, while I had fun at Mom's Night Out. The playgroup moms went out to a new Japanese restaurant, Kitaro, which was okay, but that's about it. It is always fun to get out and talk, though. Especially when you don't have to chase a toddler at the same time. And, Blake and James built a fort out of chairs and blankets, played ball, and appeared to torment the dogs.

Then, this morning, on the way to his chair for breakfast, James stopped to reach for a toy under the fridge, and pulled out a bleeding hand. He cut himself on his knuckle, and we had to go to urgent care. The whole family went, with Blake stopping the bleeding in the car, me driving, then Blake entertaining James by walking around with him outside while I waited in the waiting room to get us checked in. The whole time, James was just great. No crying, very little restlessness. When he got 2 stitches, he made some faces and cried out a bit, but the way they had him wrapped really seemed to calm him. We were very proud of how well he did. He's doing just fine now, and as the picture shows, he hasn't slowed down. Blake taught him how to hold up his hand to show his boo-boo, but by the time we got home, he was too busy running around and playing to stay still to do that for the camera!

Blake goes to an annual business meeting/party tonight and James and I are going to relax! Ok, he's going to run around and climb and tear things up, and I'm going to chase him and occasionally read a page of Newsweek . . .

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Hi Heather! I really like your blog and have added it to my reader so I can see all the wonderful pictures you've added and will continue to add. You may inspire me to create one for our family as well! What should I name mine? Oh, I'll have to think about that!
