Friday, October 19, 2007

It is called Still Heather, after all

My blog. It's definitely a place to keep friends and family posted about life in the Hemen/Theiss household, but it seems to be mostly about cute pictures of James. Here's one now -- from playgroup today, as the kids decorated a banner and ornaments for troops in Iraq (took forever to get them all to sit for the picture, then James got up to start clapping . . .) Not a bad thing at all, but thanks to Beth's Mental Graffitti blog, I found A Fancy Word for Simple There's a lot going on there about girl power. Pretty fun. Today's challenge? Twenty Questions about being a GIRL.

1. Name -- Heather

2. Pink - Love it or Hate it? Always hated it, but actually starting to like it now. On occasion.

3. Signature shade of lipstick, lipgloss, etc. -- no signature, but seem to use browns.

4. Do you have a best girl friend? Well, I've done a terrible job of keeping up with her since I moved, but Lori is my longtime, true friend.

5. Do you have a woman mentor? Not really.

6. Are you a woman mentor to someone else? No.

7. Tomboy or Princess? Neither, but would probably lean towards princess. I could handle being a princess :)

8. Favorite Girl Band -- Well, Sheryl Crow has a band.

9. Are you a mom? Do you want to be one? Yes.

10. Do you and your mom have any rituals? Not so much a ritual, but we used to take vacations together on a fairly regular basis. Now, it is much less regular.

11. Fashion magazines - yea or nay. Nay. They usually make me feel bad. Or frustrated that it's always the same information, recycled again.

12. Do you have a feel good outfit? A red blouse.

13. Have you called your grandma or special aunt, or special older lady lately? No.

14. Signature Scent? This changes each time I run out and buy something new. Right now it is Armani Code.

15. Favorite female tv character -- Miranda from Sex and the City

16. Favorite place to hang out with gal pals? Mall or at a scrapbook crop.

17. Did you ever ditch your girl friends to be with a guy? Do you still? I don't remember ever doing this, because I hate it. But, probably have.

18. Friend you call when you need a laugh? Any of them.

19. Friend you call when you need a shoulder to cry on? There are a few, who know who they are.

20. Have you reminded your friends of how much they mean to you lately? No. I have been terrible about this lately. This will change.

1 comment:

angieoh! said...

Thanks for joining our challenge!!