Saturday, March 1, 2008

Malls, Malls, Malls

We haven't done the most exciting things lately, but we have been getting out of the house more. James really likes playing at the mall now. The local mall re-did the kids area, and it is great for him now. And for me -- I can pretty much watch him from one spot without needing to do any chasing. He also had fun at Mills Mall today, and rode the train for the first time. He did not like it at first, but once Blake got in there with him, he was fine. And wanted to ride again.

I went to a Bridal Showcase class at Archivers today, where they demo'd different invitation options. It will be fun to design and make them. I need to get an embossing gun. Oh, how I hate to get scrapbook supplies. HaHa.

Mizzou is currently 10th in the Big 12. So, there isn't much to look forward to there. At least no more players have committed crimes lately.

I finished the 3rd Harry Potter. I really liked it. And, I can now confidently say, that having seen 2 of the movies, I remembered almost nothing from them. Not sure why, because they were good.

That's about all here. Just wanted to do a quick update!


Sarah said...

The third one was definitely my favorite so far. I finished it a few weeks ago, before I decided to take a little break from HP. Plus, 4 and 5 are HUGE!

We made our own wedding invitations, though probably not as fancy as Archivers. :) I stole the idea from a book we flipped through in Barnes & Noble one day. Our invitations were just white with some pressed edges around the outside (don't know what that's called...), but at the top of our invitation, we overlapped our inked thumb prints to form a heart. (My dad helped with this a ton... ) We used the same image for the programs.

Rachel said...

THere are some great ideas for wedding invites out there..sometimes simpler is better! Have fun and I wish you were closer..I have a ton of embossing powders and a gun!!

Love Harry Potter..all the books are great!!